The “Dexippos” Classical Philology Master’s Program (M.A.) aims to educate postgraduate students in classical literature and its various aspects. The program utilizes the undergraduate background provided by the Department of Philology to expand and deepen students’ understanding of the issues relevant to the contemporary study of ancient Greek and Latin philology. The goal is to train classical philologists who are actively engaged in education and a wide range of professional fields. The program is open to graduates from all university departments in Greece or recognized institutions abroad who are interested in advancing their studies in Classics.
Head: S. Georgakopoulou, professor
Members og the steering committee: V. Lentakis, professor - A. Papathomas, professor - V. Vaiopoulos, professor - V. Vertoudakis, associate professor
Aikaterini Fotou (Monday - Wednesday - Friday, 10:00-13:00), office 609, School of Philosophy
Tel. +30-210-727-7788